martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

The day we met

I barely remember the weather, the time, or the clothes you were wearing. It was a fraction of a second in wich we decide to meet, we both took a second to provoke the destiny and to throw the dices.
My life was planned, all the decisions in my life were taken carefully. I built a perfect castle no one could destroy... but the thing is... I never thought you would just come and knock the door...
What could I do...? I learned how to fight against the most powerful tanks, I had the strenght to take a hundred bullets in my body. But how do you fight kisses? What weapons can you use against hugs? There is no shield that protects us from love...
So I lost the battle. You found the key to open my door with no violence at all. This was a war I wasn't prepared for. You broke all my prejudices, you fixed all my weaknesses, but at the same time, you turned me into a fragil soul.
You made me cry, laugh,love and dream, all at the same time. You changed my life forever and there is no way to restart.

"Algo tienen tu ojos, un no sé qué, que qué se yo".